Benefits Of A Front Door Shade Structure For Your Commercial Business

Benefits Of A Front Door Shade Structure For Your Commercial Business

A shade structure is an extension of your business and is meant to make a good first impression and make the exterior of your building more enjoyable. A front door shade structure provides a simple upgrade that customers will love, as well as various practical benefits such as reducing energy costs. Continue reading to learn more about the many benefits a front door shade structure can have for your commercial business.

Energy Efficiency

A shade structure is a great way to cut energy costs by reducing the amount of sunlight your building gets during the day. If your business has a glass front door, direct sunlight can quickly warm up a room to the point where it is too hot. When your building is too warm, the air conditioning has to work harder to keep the indoor temperature cool and comfortable for customers. A front door shade structure is an efficient way to block the sun’s UV rays, and can even reduce the amount of heat your building gets by 80%.

Too much direct sunlight can cause damage to the furniture and carpets in your building, so blocking the rays from your front door is a great way to prolong the life of your business’s interior items. In addition to blocking sun rays, a shade structure is also helpful in the cooler weather for blocking strong winds from blowing in the front door.

Curb Appeal

A front door shade structure brings a certain curb appeal to your business that catches customers’ attention and draws them inside. A beautiful shade structure cannot be overlooked and is often the first thing someone will be when they walk or drive by your building. This is crucial for attracting new customers, as they will be intrigued by the beautiful design and unique appeal of the shade structure.

Maximize Outdoor Space

A front door shade structure is also beneficial for maximizing the outdoor space for your employees and customers. If you own a restaurant or cafe, it’s a huge bonus to have comfortable outdoor seating and tables for guests. However, all businesses will benefit from the added protection from the elements and available outdoor space that a front door shade structure provides.


Hoover Architectural is dedicated to making sure you receive the best quality shade structures. We manufacture all of our products with the best precision and care. We have two locations in South Florida and use innovative technology for all of our structures. For more information, visit our website or contact us at one of our South Florida locations.